First flight

First time flying I was very nervous, but all the preparation from loved ones and people around me have prepared me for this moment. I can honestly say the view is amazing it’s like nothing I have every seen before. I see the rivers, the mountain ranges, the forest, and cities from a view I have never gotten before. Many times there was only clouds, but those were good too. Lift off was by far the worst. I could not even anticipate how fast the plane was going to go when we first took off. During this time the lady next to me saw my face and made me super comfortable. The wind patches would startle but I learned that they were normal. I feel that this total experience will honestly change me as a whole. Just being on a plane alone is a huge milestone for me. What is to happen next for me on my journey away? I had my first complete experience with going through security. I had to go get my bag checked because of my hair products. They thought I was gonna go without them. Three months with no hair products is something I absolutely cannot do. I see other planes and wonder if that’s how fast we are traveling. I know we are going at a very significant pace if we will be in Miami in 2 and a half hours. Looks like we are in the middle of a storm. We are hitting turbulence now. The storm is beneath us. Just had my first language barrier problem . A Spanish lady was asking me how to open the bathroom door. But I told her someone was in there but she couldn’t understand me and kept trying to open the door.    

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